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Radiators Warehouse Knows Auto Radiators

Every car on the road today is equipped with an automotive radiator that helps to cool the engine down during its normal operation while either driving or idling. Essentially, an automotive radiator is a device that exchanges heat. As an engine heats up, tubes that run along the engine block are filled with a special auto radiator coolant that takes away the excess heat and enables the motor to function normally and optimally. That hot coolant fluid then proceeds towards the car radiator, where it runs through a long series of coils that allow the heat to dissipate while the car is moving or even when parked or stopped, but running. Often additional aluminum sheets of metal or fins are attached to these tubes to provide additional material that allows the heat to dissipate even better and faster. Many automotive radiators use what is known as a turbulator, which moves and jostles the hot coolant fluid about in order to unify the temperature. The enables the big difference between the cool tube metal and the fluid, further causing heat to escape.

Most car radiators work to cool both the engine and the transmission of the car. Just like the inlet and outlet for the radiator coolant, there is both an inlet and outlet for transmission fluid that goes into the cooler. The cooler for the transmission is essentially a smaller auto radiator inside of a larger radiator. The only difference is that the oil from the transmission is cooled down during the heat exchange process instead of coolant.

When you shop at Radiators Warehouse for a top-of-the-line aftermarket automotive radiator, we'll make the process simple and breezy just like the radiators will keep your engine running cooler. Call us today at 877-291-2828 to see what we can do for you today! Our customer service team can help you pick out just the right replacement radiator for your car, as well as answer any questions that you may have about stock, pricing, warranties and much, much more. With out top tier radiators, your car will be up an running just like when the car was purchased new! So call Radiators Warehouse today!

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